our suppliers
Sommer Cable

About us - Musicians have become cable specialists...
Over the past years audio products have become more complex and performance-oriented. This is not an easy challenge for a cable manufacturer. Cables are no longer just important for a selected group of people or for dreamers, but for the manufacturers of instruments, studio technology, and technical media units. Now even the amateur feels and hears the change in sound and no longer depends on phantasy, imagination, and subjective judgement.
For cable manufacturers this indeed is an important challenge. All of a sudden "technical data" can also be heard. And of course, it can be measured.
For a company like SOMMER CABLE this creates a great opportunity. Our customers recognize and appreciate good quality. Our responsibility is not only to produce a good cable, but to give a clear and detailed description of our products. SOMMER CABLE believes that "clarity is very important for quality assessment".
Is it the cable?
Even if the musician, his instrument, the speakers, and the lighting are perfect, the transmission may still be bad... could it be that the cable is at fault? It could be!
Like many musicians we took our first musical steps in small home studios or as a member of a village band - and even back then we were surprised at the results, when for example low budget jack plugs on the analog synthesizer were replaced by good metal plugs. Then suddenly, no humming, no crackling. Or when a bell wire was replaced with a real guitar cable... The question is, where do the clear highs and a "crisp" sound come from?